Friday, February 12, 2010

{in the garden} water chestnuts

some would say a water chestnut is a bit of an odd present to give someone. not my mum! this was a special gift from mother-in-law to son-in-law. it's not really a nut, but an aquatic vegetable and grows in a beautiful sludgey mess of compost, sand, and water right beside our herb garden (and shed)!

 from this {christmas day '09} ... this {feb '10}. a happylittlevegemite, no?

the happy gardener...

it really is a beautiful plant, and it probably can be harvested in about a year (but i will have to consult chief gardener my mother about that)...

...and then i will make this lovely looking recipe!

what's growing like wildflowers in your backyard?

1 comment:

Eloise said...

Thanks for your kind comment Bec, I'm glad you like them! I showed them all to mum and she hated the last one so it surprises me that you like it, but she hates grasshoppers lol. Trying out the new camera I see, I like it! Glad to see your garden is growing well. Hope your feeling much better, see u monday.

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